CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 - Apply For Latest 310 Junior Clerk, Cashier & Other Vacancies

CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022: Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board (CSEB) has officially released a recruitment notification of the CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 on its official website http://www.csebkerala.org/. The aspirants who are looking for the Latest Kerala Govt Jobs can utilize this wonderful opportunity. Through this latest Recruitment, the Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board (CSEB) invites offline applications to fill their 310 vacancies for the posts of Secretary, Chief Accountant, Assistant Secretary, Junior Clerk, Cashier, System Administrator & Data Entry Operator. Also, the CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 online application will be started from 15th October 2022 to 14th November 2022. The applicants are advised to apply well in advance to avoid a rush during the closing dates. Interested candidates check the CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 Vacancy details, Qualifications, and How to apply below.

CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 - Apply For Latest 310 Junior Clerk, Cashier & Other Vacancies

Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board Job Notification Details

Kerala Co-operative Service Examination board conducts written examination of candidates for selection to various categories of posts as and when the requisition for such examination, is received from the concerned societies. The Board shall be responsible for the proper conduct of the examination.
Aspirants who are serious about their career and if they want to make a career in the Co-operative Banks in Kerala can apply directly through the link provided below. All the candidates check the CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 Notification Details below.

CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 – Job Notification Details


Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board (CSEB)

Job Type

Kerala Govt

Recruitment Type

Direct Recruitment

Advt No

No.8/2022, 9/2022, 10/2022, 11/2022, 12/2022,13/2022

Post Name

Secretary, Chief Accountant, Assistant Secretary, Junior Clerk, Cashier, System Administrator & Data Entry Operator

Total Vacancy


Job Location

All Over Kerala

Salary Scale

Rs.18,000 -53,000

Apply Mode


Application Start Date

15th October 2022

Application Last Date

14th November 2022

Official Website


CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 - Vacancy Details

Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board (CSEB) has released the following vacancy details with their recent recruitment notification of the CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022. They invite 310 candidates to fill their vacancies. Candidates can check their job vacancy details below.

Post Name





Rs.23,310 - Rs.57,340/-

Assistant Secretary/ Chief Accountant


Rs.19,890 - Rs.62,500/-

Junior   Clerk/ Cashier


Rs.17,360 - Rs.44,650/-

System Administrator


Rs.25,910 - Rs.62,500/-

Data Entry Operator


Rs.16,420 - 46,830/-



Rs.19,450 - Rs.51,650/-





CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 - Age Limit Details

To apply for the Kerala State Co-Operative Service Examination Board (CSEB) job opportunities, the applicants must be required to attain the following age limit details. The notified aged candidates can only be able to apply for this CSEB job vacancy. The Reserved category candidates from SC, ST, PWD, Women, and all others will get the upper age limit relaxation as per government norms. You can check the Age Limit details below.

  • The age limit should be 18 to 40 years.
  • Check notification for age limit and relaxation.

CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 - Educational Qualification

To apply for the Latest CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 application form the candidates must be required to attain the following qualification details. Before applying for The CSEB job opportunities the candidates read and understand the eligibility criteria, only those applicants should apply who are eligible otherwise their application form will be rejected. Candidates can check the CSEB Latest Jobs Qualification details below.

Post Name



(i) Degree with HDC&BM with seven years experience as an Accountant or above that post in Co-operative Bank.


(ii) B.Sc (Co-operation & Banking) from Agricultural University with five years experience as an Accountant or above that post in Co-operative Bank.


(iii) Master’s Degree in Business Administration or M. Com with Finance as the main subject or Membership in Chartered accountants of India with three years experience in the Banking Sector and having cooperative qualifications.


(iv) B. Com (Co-operation) with seven years experience as an Accountant or above that post in Co-operative Bank.

Assistant Secretary

Higher Secondary Diploma in Co-operative University (HDC or HDC & BM of Kerala State Co-operative Union, or HDC or HDCM of National Council for Co-operative Training) with at least 50% marks in all subjects. Must have passed Subordinate Personal Co-operative Training Course (Junior Diploma in Co-operation). Or BSc / MSc from Kerala Agricultural University or B.Com degree with at least 50% marks in all subjects recognized by any university in Kerala and co-operation is optional.

Junior Clerk/ Cashier

SSLC or equivalent qualification will be the basic qualification for the Subordinate Personal Co-operative Training Course (Junior Diploma in Co-operation). Candidates from Kasaragod District will be eligible for the post of Co-operative Diploma Course (JDC) conducted by the Karnataka State Co-operative Federation (JDC) and Junior Diploma in Co-operation (JDC) conducted by the Kerala State Co-operative Union. In addition, a B. Com degree in Co-operation as an optional subject, or a degree in Co-operative Higher Diploma from any recognized University (HDC or HDC & BM of the Kerala State Co-operative Union, or HDC or HDCM of the National Council for Co-operative Training). Candidates who have successfully completed the Subordinate Personal Co-operative Training Course (Junior Diploma in Co-operation) or BSc from Kerala Agricultural University can also apply.

System Administrator

First class B.Tech degree in Computer Science, IT, Electronics, and Communication Engineering / MCA / MSc (Computer Science or IT).

Desirable: Redhat Certification will be an added advantage.

EXPERIENCE: Minimum working experience of 3 years in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting UNIX/Linux-based environments. Solid experience in administration application stacks (e.g., Tomcat, JBoss, Apache, NGINX). Experience with monitoring systems (Eg. Nagios). Experience in scripting skills (e.g., shell scripts, Perl, Python). Solid networking Knowledge (OSI network layers, TCP/IP). Experience with SAN storage environment with NFS mounts and physical and logical volume management. Experience with tape library backup.

Data Entry Operator

Degree from any recognized university. Certificate of Data Entry Course Passed by Kerala / Central Government Recognized Institution. One year of work experience in a Data Entry Operator post in a recognized company


CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 - Application Fee Details

To apply for the Latest 310 Vacancies in CSEB, the candidates requested to pay the application fees by notified mode. Application fees once paid will not be refunded.

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How To Apply For CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022?

Interested and eligible candidates apply offline (By Post) for the CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 notification from 15th October 2022 to 14th November 2022. The applicants are advised to apply well in advance to avoid a rush during the closing dates. All the candidates check out the CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 official PDF Notification below for more references.

  1. Then go to the CSEB website Notification panel and check the link of the particular CSEB Kerala Recruitment 2022 Notification.
  2. If you are eligible for this, then click on the Apply Offline link.
  3. Now fill the form with the necessary details of the candidate document as per the instructions.
  4. Pay the Application Fee by the notified mode
  5. Click on the submit link to submit the Application form.
  6. Download it and take a printout of the Application form for future use and reference.

Important Links

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